Divorce can be a stressful and emotionally taxing experience. If you are considering divorce, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to proceed. The good news is that you are not alone. Statistics indicate that there are approximately 2.9 divorces per 1,000 Virginians. That works out to a divorce rate of about 10%, meaning that thousands of Virginians have successfully filed for divorce and are already on the other side. You are only steps away from joining them, and the experienced Divorce Attorneys at the Virginia Family Law Center are ready to help.
Having an experienced advocate on your side to help you navigate the divorce process, ensure that your rights and interests are protected, and to fight for the best possible outcome for you and your family can give you an invaluable advantage while going through your divorce. Our lawyers can help you and your spouse reach amicable agreements on issues such as asset division and child custody so that you can maintain the maximum amount of control over the ultimate court order. When you and your spouse submit a settlement agreement, the court must only review it to either grant or deny it instead of having to weigh both sides and reach a decision on its own, which gives you both far more input into the final outcome. This also supports a far more time and cost effective divorce proceeding as it requires as little litigation and court time as possible. Of course, every case is different and an amicable outcome is not always possible. Our lawyers will review the facts and circumstances of your case and devise the best legal strategy based on your situation.
If you are considering moving forward with a Virginia divorce, or are currently going through one, you do not have to do it alone. Contact the experienced divorce lawyers at the Virginia Family Law Center today and schedule a consultation today.
At Virginia Family Law Center, we protect clients’ rights and help them understand the legal processes they are working through. Schedule your 30-minute telephone consultation with an experienced lawyer by filling out the form below.